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English translation for "he is teasing a friend"


Related Translations:
tease:  vt.1.逗弄;取笑,戏弄。2.强求,勒索。3.梳理(羊毛等);起(呢绒的)毛,起绒,拉绒。短语和例子tease a boy about his curly hair 戏弄一个小男孩长的打卷的头发。 tease Grandma for money 缠着祖母要钱。 tease sb. with jest 和某人开玩笑逗弄他。n.逗惹,戏弄;〔口语〕爱戏弄人的人。
teasing:  使表面起毛试情撕开戏弄诱情
tease me:  诱惑我,挑逗我
teasing needle:  拨针挑针
teaseed oil:  茶油茶子油
pretty tease:  风流冤家
tease anheritance:  梳理并分解继承体系
further teasing:  继续租赁
teasing needl:  挑针
dirty little tease:  少女卜卜脆
Example Sentences:
1.He is teasing a friend
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